AMPHA's Musings

Events, observations, conclusions and consequently facts.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Circumstance Bubble

A post after nearly 3 months. But good ones come with intervals they say ;)

People are embellished or degraded by cirumstances. Circumstances are like a bubbles which gulp people and thats the way they appear to the world. People in positive cirumstance bubble seem larger than life and adorable. People in the negative circumstance bubble look desperate and fighting. The person is the same but his/her appearance or our perception of him/her changes drastically with circumstances. Similarly the cirumstance bubble might be around the viewer filtering his/her view. So a person in a positive circumstance will view the entire world as getting better, working out and functioning smoothly. A negative circumstance person will view it as falling, crumbling or just about managing to hold itself together.

Thats why its necessary to develop this neutral attitude of looking at things. A need to look at the person and not what circumstances show him/her to be. Thats how you will know the real person. Similary to view the world with a netural attitude whatever cirumstance we might be in, to understand its true working.


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